Friday, May 18, 2018

Wonder Mom

My daughter has recently decided that waking up at all hours of the night is fun. It is not fun for mama. I swear I am feeling like a zombie these days. The word mombie comes to mind. It doesn’t matter how tired you are, as a mom you still have to get up and get your crap done. Get dressed, take care of critters, get child ready for school, take her to school, go to work, pick child up from school, get home, take care of critters, clean up the house, cook, give your child a bath, feed child, put child to bed and by then forget it, I am done. Some days it is all that plus photo sessions or edits. Some days I cheat and I skip something. My favorite thing to skip is cooking (thank you Stouffers and leftovers lol) Long story short, I am extra tired these last few weeks.

There are some moms I see that I swear, they legit have their shit together. I don’t. They feed their kids these great meals for breakfast and dinner. They are super healthy meals too. They make sock bunnies for the school’s Easter party and each child gets their own pumpkin full of goodies at Halloween. Hell, some mornings, I bribe my child with a lollipop so I can get her dressed and ready for school without having to fight with her. Those days make me feel like I am winning at the Wonder Mom thing until I remember most moms feed their kids bananas or something for breakfast plus still get their kid ready and nice looking for school.

The Bad Moms movie felt like a story about my life. There are so many perfection expectations for moms and it really isn’t possible. You run yourself into the ground enough when you are either working full time or staying home with the kids full time. But we are expected to do both now. While I think that is irritating that we are expected to do both these days, that isn’t my real issue.

The real issue is, I want to do it all. I want to have a job that I love and a part time job I love more on the side. I want date nights with my husband or even relaxing nights, whatever. I want to take care of my child and play with her. I want to have a clean house, dinner made and happy pets too. I want all these things and I want to be good at them all. It isn’t easy but it has been pretty great even though I am thoroughly exhausted.

But if that isn’t enough, how about we add another baby to the mix?

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