Wednesday, October 1, 2014

This is me, welcome to my blog!

I am a 26 year old married mother of one. My world revolves around my daughter. I do everything possible to give her the best, happiest life that I can possibly give her. I have a full time job, a paying hobby (photography), a big family and I run our household which means I do most of the cleaning, cooking, finance management and baby duties. Like most women in my position, I struggle to find time to get everything done in the limited hours of the day. I also struggle with anxiety. My anxiety makes it difficult for me to handle unexpected situations without some sort of break down. Luckily, full blown panic attacks have been very limited in the past year, however I still get the shortness of breath, tightness in my chest and racing mind a few times a week. I don’t want my anxiety to control my life. I was able to get off the anti-anxiety medicine over a year ago and I am proud to say that for the most part I haven’t missed it. 

I am married to a very handsome, hardworking and kind, outdoorsy type. He loves to hunt and has been asking me for years to join him. I have gotten away with not going for this long but I think it may be time to join him. For those of you who know me, at minimum this will be a humorous endeavor, at large…quite possibly a huge mistake. While I am not a fashionista and I do love to be outside, I believe I smell too good, talk too much and in general will drive him crazy if I go hunting with him. I will have to learn to shoot with more accuracy, clean my own kills and get over killing Bambi’s daddy. 

I will be writing at length about all of these things as well as anything else life has in the works for my little family. I hope you will join me to share in my struggles, my success and all the humorous moments I will face in my transition from being prim and proper, to being an avid hunter that my husband can be proud of. 

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